Colabra & TetraScience

Scientific data cloud for life sciences R&D, QA/QC, and manufacturing.

TetraScience is a cloud-based scientific data management platform that helps researchers and organizations collect, standardize, and analyze scientific data from various sources. The platform integrates with laboratory equipment and instruments, allowing scientists to automate data collection and manage their experiments seamlessly. The company aims to improve the quality and efficiency of scientific research by providing tools that allow researchers to focus on their experiments rather than data management.

The TetraScience platform is designed to work with a wide range of scientific instruments and lab equipment. It provides a comprehensive view of all scientific data generated by these instruments, making it easier for researchers to track and analyze their experiments. With TetraScience, scientists can access real-time data from their experiments, collaborate with other researchers, and automate repetitive tasks, freeing up their time for more critical tasks.

One of the key features of TetraScience is its ability to provide standardization of scientific data. It eliminates the need for researchers to manually collect and normalize data from multiple sources, saving time and reducing errors. TetraScience also provides tools for data visualization and analysis, allowing researchers to quickly identify trends and patterns in their data.

TetraScience provides organizations with a central hub for their scientific data management needs. The platform is scalable and can be customized to meet the needs of individual organizations, regardless of their size. It provides data security and compliance with industry standards such as HIPAA and GDPR, ensuring that sensitive data is protected.

TetraScience is a powerful tool for scientific research that provides a streamlined approach to data management. By automating data collection and providing standardized data, TetraScience helps researchers save time and reduce errors. Its scalability and compliance with industry standards make it a popular choice for organizations of all sizes.

Combined with Colabra's project management and workflow visibility platform, these solutions allow life science organizations to break data silos and gain visibility into their research processes.